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RNR Program Tool for Adults Detailed Instructions

Before Starting a New Program Tool:

  1. To save/edit profiles in the "Program Tool" portal of the RNR Simulation Tool you must be a registered user
    1. For more information on how to register to use the CJ-TRAK tools, please click here.

Starting a New Program Tool

  1. From the home screen of the CJ-TRAK webpage select the "Launch" button located in the "RNR Program Tool for Adults" icon below the main instructions.
    1. You can also select "RNR Program Tool for Adults" from the navigation bar located at the top of the CJ-TRAK homepage.
  2. Read the introduction and instructions on the page and then select "Start The RNR Program Tool for Adults"
  3. Review the information list you will need to complete this tool. You may print this page to collect the information needed before beginning the Program Tool. Once you have reviewed this list, select "Continue to the RNR Program Tool for Adults."
  4. Begin entering information about your program into the RNR Program Tool for Adults.
    Below is some guidance on navigating the tool.
    1. At the top and bottom of each page you can decide to select "Save" or "Save/Next." "Save" will keep you on the same page. "Save/Next" will save your information and move you forward to the next tab.
    2. You may select any tab at any time while completing the tool to navigate back and forth between questions.
    3. The information is organized as follows:
      • Page one asks for basic information about the program, including its name, the area in which it operates, and a basic description of the program.
      • Page two asks about the program enrollment and population, including the program's setting, capacity, and population demographics.
      • Page three asks about the program performance metrics, including completion rates, and program session attendance.
      • Page four asks about the program staff, including staff turnover, and staff qualifications.
      • Page five asks about the program population and eligibility, including the target population, exclusion criteria, and screening and treatment matching mechanisms.
      • Page six asks about the program target.
      • Page seven asks about program content, including the elements of the program, and primary approach to addressing the program target.
      • Page eight asks about rewards and controls that are used by the program.
      • Page nine asks questions about the dosage of the program including total number of hours, duration, frequency, and length of sessions.
      • Page ten asks questions about program implementation, including completion criteria, evaluations, and coaching.
      • Page eleven asks about program funding and expenditure, including payment for services, funding sources, child care offerings, and timing of program offerings.
      • Page twelve asks a few final questions about changes to the program over time, training received by staff, and some challenges the program has experienced.
  5. At the end of page twelve, selecting "Save & Complete" will take you the output page.
    1. The output page describes the Program Group into which your program was classified, and how your program scored in each of the six scoring areas addressed in the tool-risk, need, responsivity, dosage, implementation, and restrictions. You may print these results for your records.

Accessing Saved RNR Program Tools (for registered users only)

  1. Once you are logged into the CJ-TRAK system, select the "Launch" button located in the "RNR Program Tool for Adults" icon below the main instructions on the home screen of the CJ-TRAK webpage.
    1. You can also select "RNR Program Tool for Adults" from the navigation bar located at the top of the CJ-TRAK homepage.
  2. If you need to revise a tool that has not been completed yet, then you can select "Edit" next to the applicable program in the "My Programs" list on the RNR Program Tool home page. This will allow you to finish the program entry and complete the entry to get the results.
    1. Note: labels for saved programs are generated from "Program Name" entered on the first page of the RNR Program Tool for Adults.
  3. If you need to revise a tool that has been completed already, then you can select "Reassess" next to the applicable program in the "My Programs" list on the RNR Program Tool home page. This will allow you to complete the program tool for that program again and get updated results.
  4. If you have a program that exists in different locations that are very similar, but have slight difference, you can select "Copy" on the RNR Program tool home page and create a duplicate to modify for the second program location.
  5. If you wish to just view the responses in the tool without making changes, you can select "View" next to the applicable program in the "My Programs" list on the RNR Program Tool home page.
  6. On this page you can view results or archive a previously entered assessment.