Webinar: County level data resources, measures, and characteristics used in a nation-wide initiative (7-14-2021)
This presentation describes the county level data that was used to understand reforms for mental health reform efforts including in the justice system. the presentation covered: 1) the different county level data sources; 2) different ways to display the data; and 3) descriptive and complex statistical analyses to better understand health, mental health, providers, and criminal justice factors that affect participation in reform efforts. The study is in collaboration with the Council of State Government’s Justice Policy Center, National Association of Counties, and American Psychiatric Association Foundation. The National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute of Health (R01 MH118680, MPIs Taxman and Johnson) funded this study.
- Alex Breno
- Niloofar Ramezani
- Jennifer Johnson
- Faye S. Taxman
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