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Contacts: Implementation Considerations
< 1 min read
Implementation Considerations
Strategy 5: Build resiliency through improvements in work processes
- Use datapoints collected by the performance measures established in Strategy 3 to examine how your agency is responding to proposed changes in the use of contacts
- Look for areas where the agency is performing well and where more attention may be needed (for example, if some contacts are being used with high frequency without corresponding improvements in client engagement)
- Focus efforts to improve work processes in areas where more attention is needed
Strategy 6: Collaborate with agencies toward a common goal of improving client outcomes and promoting public safety
- Work with key stakeholders in the criminal legal system (including judges, prosecutors, etc.) to familiarize them with the guidelines on types and frequency of contacts
- Work to build an understanding that type and frequency of contact should be tailored to the client based on their needs and not necessarily the crime for which they were convicted
- Ensure that proper referral to outside services and programs can still occur even if frequency of contact is minimal
Strategy 7: Build resiliency by altering client involvement in key decisions
- Work with the client to build a plan for contacts (type and frequency) that considers their needs
- Discuss with the client what types of contacts are most beneficial to them and what frequency would allow them to complete supervision conditions and other responsibilities while still being fully engaged with the officer and the supervision agency